Uniform Policy

Uniform Policy
The School District of Philadelphia has a mandatory uniform policy. All students are expected to be in uniform every day beginning on the first day of school, August 26, 2024, through the final day, June 13, 2025. All students are expected to adhere to the Shawmomt uniform policy on a daily basis. If there is an emergency and your child is unable to come to school in uniform, please send a note stating the reason for being out of uniform. Failure to wear the school uniform will result in appropriate disciplinary action.
The Shawmont School uniform will be strictly enforced:

Uniform Shirts: All students are required to wear our navy blue Shawmont shirt with our logo on a daily basis. These shirts cost $10.00 each and will be available for purchase in our main office throughout the school year. Students may wear a navy sweater or navy blue sweatshirt with no hood when they are cold.

Academy Shirts: Every Wednesday, students are required to wear their Shawmont Academy shirt with our logo. The first Academy Shirt will cost $5.00 each. Additional Academy shirts will cost $10.00 each. They will be available for purchase in our main office throughout the school year.

Uniform Pants: Students in kindergarten through 6th grade wear either navy blue or khaki pants. Students in 7th and 8th grade wear navy blue, khaki, or black pants. Sweatpants are ONLY permitted on days that your child has physical education. Students may NOT wear jeans of any type to school.

Uniform Sneakers: Sneakers must be worn at all times. Flip Flops, crocks, slides or any other footwear that are not sneakers are not permitted and may not be worn at any time.