Cell Phone Policy

Cell Phone & Technology Policy

We understand that cell phones are an important tool for students to communicate with family members when traveling to and from school. We also understand the importance of limiting distractions that come from these devices at school. Improper use of phones while at home or school can have a major impact on school climate and reduce academic outcomes for students.

Students are permitted to bring a phone to school; however, phones and devices must be turned off prior to entering the school building and turned in to their classroom teacher to secure while inside the building. Shawmont will not be held responsible for any lost, stolen, or damaged devices. If a student chooses to bring a phone/device into our school building they accept any risk that may occur to the device while at school or traveling to and from school each day.

When Shawmont students are at school, their top priority is to learn and grow with the help of their adults, classmates, and school community members. In order for our students to reach their fullest potential, Shawmont must be an environment where all students can remain focused on their studies and feel safe at all times. We have important and exciting work to accomplish, so let’s all work together to prevent distractions and follow our school expectations so we all can have a successful year together!

Below is the Shawmont Cell Phone Policy Contract that will be
strictly enforced throughout the 2024-2025 academic year:

All cell phones must be turned off and out of sight from 7:30 am – 2:09 pm.
All cell phones must be turned in to their classroom teacher at the start of the school day so that they can be placed in a secure and locked location until students are dismissed from school.
Shawmont is not responsible for any lost or damaged phones or technology devices brought into the building. Students are making the choice to bring their phone into the building and assume all responsibility if something were to happen to their device.

1st Offense
The student will immediately turn the cell phone off and turn their phone in to their teacher to be locked and secured for the rest of the school day. The teacher will contact the student’s family to inform them of the first offense and remind them of our Phone Policy.

2nd Offense
The student will immediately turn the cell phone off and turn their phone in to their teacher to be locked and secured for the rest of the school day without argument. The teacher will contact the student’s family to inform them of the second offense and remind them of our Phone Policy.

3rd Offense
The student will immediately turn the cell phone off and turn their phone in to their teacher to be locked and secured for the rest of the school day. The teacher will contact the student’s family to inform them of the third offense and remind them of our Phone Policy.

4th Offense
The student will immediately turn the cell phone off and turn their phone in to their teacher. Our Climate Manager will secure the phone in their office and contact the parent/guardian to inform them of the fourth offense and remind them of our Phone Policy. The phone will only be returned to a parent/guardian at the end of the school day.

5th Offense
The student will immediately turn the cell phone off and turn their phone in to their teacher. Our Climate Manager will retrieve the phone and turn the phone over to Principal Piniat. Our Climate Manager will contact the parent/guardian to inform them of this final offense. The phone will NOT be returned to a parent/guardian prior to June 13, 2025. After June 13, 2025, any phones that remain in the building will be donated to a charity in need.