Code of Conduct

Behavioral Expectations & Responsibilities:

Code Of Student Conduct:
In order to create a safe learning environment, all students must adhere to the School District of Philadelphia’s Student Code of Conduct.

Our goal is to provide the highest quality education
to every student in every classroom with no disruptive behavior!

Every student has the right to an excellent education, and every student at Shawmont School has the right to high quality instruction in a place that is safe and secure. The faculty and staff work very hard to handle any issues or concerns as they occur. No student will be permitted to harm or threaten another individual or behave in such a manner as to disrupt the learning environment of our school. Students who are disrupting class may be removed and will be treated according to the School District of Philadelphia Code of Student Conduct.

Students who insist on threatening or harming others, disrupting classes, or acting in a disrespectful manner will receive appropriate consequences according to our progressive discipline model which includes suspended from school. Bullying and any form of physical or verbal harassment will not be tolerated at Shawmont School, and will be treated as a serious offense.

Shawmont School is a sanctuary for all of our students. We envision a safe and healthy environment that supports the learning of our students, the development of our faculty and staff, and the incorporation of our students’ family into our school community. We aim to make Shawmont School a model of how a high-quality school should be.

In order to create a strong and cooperative school community, we have defined clear behavioral expectations. We stress positive recognition of appropriate behavior and disciplinary consequences for uncooperative behavior. Since we have such high expectations for our students, certain behaviors are not even mentioned in the Discipline Code. Swearing and fighting are actions that are inappropriate, undesired, and we hope, never occur in the building, and will be met with the most severe response outlined in the code.

The Philadelphia School Board has the authority to make reasonable and necessary rules governing the conduct of students in school. As provided by Section 1317 of the School Code of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania: Authority of Teachers, Assistant Principals, and Principals Over Pupils, every teacher, assistant principal, and principal in the public schools shall have the right to exercise the same authority over students as to conduct and behavior while students travel to and from their homes, as the caretaker, guardians, or persons in parental relation to such pupils may exercise over them.

Students are expected to act in a courteous and peaceful manner toward staff, visitors, and each other. A student may not act in any way that disrupts or disturbs an educational or school related program. Violations of this rule include, but are not limited to:

⬪ Failure to obey directions from school staff
⬪ Behaving in a disruptive or disrespectful manner
⬪ Disruption of a classroom or other school function by failing to behave in a safe & respectful manner
⬪ Running and/or making excessive noise in the hall or building etc.

All expectations & policies for behavior adhere to the School District of Philadelphia’s
Student Code of Conduct.

Any person who enters a school and disrupts the normal business process of the school is subject to arrest and/or exclusion from the school for disorderly conduct, etc. Guardians are expected to serve as role models for their children and are expected to conduct their behavior in a professional and appropriate manner at all times.

Detentions are assigned by the classroom teacher, climate manager, and administrators as an early intervention for minor school infractions such as lateness or failure to follow the code of conduct.

It may become necessary to place a student on temporary suspension for serious or repeated violations of school policies and procedures. The intent is to have both pupil and parent recognize that the pupil was involved in serious, disruptive and unacceptable behavior. An out-of-school suspension results in the exclusion of a pupil from school and all school-related activities because of serious misconduct. Before a student is suspended, the principal and/or discipline coordinators will inform the student and guardian with of the reason for the suspension. Suspended students will be reinstated only after a parent or guardian meets with appropriate staff members as per a pre-arranged appointment.

The use of cell phones, MP3 players, video games, and other electronic devices is extremely disruptive to the educational environment. For this reason, students are not allowed to use phones and/or electronics during instructional time. The use of these devices during school hours also reduces the safety of everyone in the school building.

Smoking/Vaping Policy:
It is against the law to smoke/vape in a public building or on school grounds. Cigarettes, cigars and any other form of tobacco are not permitted on school grounds. This policy also aapplies to E-Cigarettes and vapor products. Anyone who violates this rule will be subject to disciplinary action.

Weapons Policy:
No weapons of any type are permitted on school grounds or on the bus. This rule includes all types of firearms, explosives, knives (including penknives), martial arts equipment, and any other item that could be classified as a weapon, including any toy replicas. Furthermore, no object may be used to intimidate or threaten other students. Students who violate this rule will be subject to disciplinary action and police arrest.